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Question 1:

A finance company is running its business-critical application on current-generation Linux EC2 instances The application includes a self-managed MySQL database performing heavy I/O operations. The application is working fine to handle a moderate amount of traffic during the month. However, it slows down during the final three days of each month due to month-end reporting, even though the company is using Elastic Load Balancers and Auto Scaling within its infrastructure to meet the increased demand.

Which of the following actions would allow the database to handle the month-end load with the LEAST impact on performance?

A. Pre-warming Elastic Load Balancers, using a bigger instance type, changing all Amazon EBS volumes to GP2 volumes.

B. Performing a one-time migration of the database cluster to Amazon RDS. and creating several additional read replicas to handle the load during end of month

C. Using Amazon CioudWatch with AWS Lambda to change the type. size, or IOPS of Amazon EBS volumes in the cluster based on a specific CloudWatch metric

D. Replacing all existing Amazon EBS volumes with new PIOPS volumes that have the maximum available storage size and I/O per second by taking snapshots before the end of the month and reverting back afterwards.

Correct Answer: B

In this scenario, the Amazon EC2 instances are in an Auto Scaling group already which means that the database read operations is the possible bottleneck especially during the month-end wherein the reports are generated. This can be solved by creating RDS read replicas.

Question 2:

A financial services company runs a complex, multi-tier application on Amazon EC2 instances and AWS Lambda functions. The application stores temporary data in Amazon S3. The S3 objects are valid for only 45 minutes and are deleted after 24 hours.

The company deploys each version of the application by launching an AWS CloudFormation stack. The stack creates all resources that are required to run the application. When the company deploys and validates a new application version, the company deletes the CloudFormation stack of the old version.

The company recently tried to delete the CloudFormation stack of an old application version, but the operation failed. An analysis shows that CloudFormation failed to delete an existing S3 bucket. A solutions architect needs to resolve this issue without making major changes to the application\’s architecture.

Which solution meets these requirements?

A. Implement a Lambda function that deletes all files from a given S3 bucket. Integrate this Lambda function as a custom resource into the CloudFormation stack. Ensure that the custom resource has a DependsOn attribute that points to the S3 bucket\’s resource.

B. Modify the CloudFormation template to provision an Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) file system to store the temporary files there instead of in Amazon S3. Configure the Lambda functions to run in the same VPC as the file system. Mount the file system to the EC2 instances and Lambda functions.

C. Modify the CloudFormation stack to create an S3 Lifecycle rule that expires all objects 45 minutes after creation. Add a DependsOn attribute that points to the S3 bucket\’s resource.

D. Modify the CloudFormation stack to attach a DeletionPolicy attribute with a value of Delete to the S3 bucket.

Correct Answer: D

This option allows the solutions architect to use a DeletionPolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles the deletion of an S3 bucket when the stack is deleted1. By setting the value of Delete, the solutions architect can instruct

CloudFormation to delete the bucket and all of its contents1. This option does not require any major changes to the application\’s architecture or any additional resources.


Deletion policies

Question 3:

A company is running a web application in the AWS Cloud. The application consists of dynamic content that is created on a set of Amazon EC2 instances. The

EC2 instances run in an Auto Scaling group that is configured as a target group for an Application Load Balancer (ALB).

The company is using an Amazon CloudFront distribution to distribute the application globally. The CloudFront distribution uses the ALB as an origin. The company uses Amazon Route 53 for DNS and has created an A record of for the CloudFront distribution.

A solutions architect must configure the application so that itis highly available and fault tolerant.

Which solution meets these requirements?

A. Provision a full, secondary application deployment in a different AWS Region. Update the Route 53 A record to be a failover record. Add both of the CloudFront distributions as values. Create Route 53 health checks.

B. Provision an ALB, an Auto Scaling group, and EC2 instances in a different AWS Region. Update the CloudFront distribution, and create a second origin for the new ALB. Create an origin group for the two origins. Configure one origin as primary and one origin as secondary.

C. Provision an Auto Scaling group and EC2 instances in a different AWS Region. Create a second target for the new Auto Scaling group in the ALB. Set up the failover routing algorithm on the ALB.

D. Provision a full, secondary application deployment in a different AWS Region. Create a second CloudFront distribution, and add the new application setup as an origin. Create an AWS Global Accelerator accelerator. Add both of the CloudFront distributions as endpoints.

Correct Answer: B origin_failover.html

You can set up CloudFront with origin failover for scenarios that require high availability. To get started, you create an origin group with two origins: a primary and a secondary. If the primary origin is unavailable, or returns specific HTTP response status codes that indicate a failure, CloudFront automatically switches to the secondary origin.

Question 4:

A company hosts its primary API on AWS by using an Amazon API Gateway API and AWS Lambda functions that contain the logic for the API methods. The company s internal applications use the API for core functionality and business logic. The company\’s customers use the API to access data from their accounts Several customers also have access to a legacy API that is running on a single standalone Amazon EC2 instance.

The company wants to increase the security for these APIs to better prevent denial of service (DoS) attacks, check for vulnerabilities, and guard against common exploits

What should a solutions architect do to meet these requirements?

A. Use AWS WAF to protect both APIs Configure Amazon Inspector to analyze the legacy API Configure Amazon GuardDuty to monitor for malicious attempts to access the APIs

B. Use AWS WAF to protect the API Gateway API Configure Amazon Inspector to analyze both APIs Configure Amazon GuardDuty to block malicious attempts to access the APIs.

C. Use AWS WAF to protect the API Gateway API Configure Amazon inspector to analyze the legacy API Configure Amazon GuardDuty to monitor for malicious attempts to access the APIs.

D. Use AWS WAF to protect the API Gateway API Configure Amazon inspector to protect the legacy API Configure Amazon GuardDuty to block malicious attempts to access the APIs.

Correct Answer: C

Question 5:

A company is building a hybrid environment that includes servers in an on-premises data center and in the AWS Cloud. The company has deployed Amazon EC2 instances in three VPCs. Each VPC is in a different AWS Region. The company has established an AWS Direct Connect connection to the data center from the Region that is closest to the data center.

The company needs the servers in the on-premises data center to have access to the EC2 instances in all three VPCs. The servers in the on-premises data center also must have access to AWS public services.

Which combination of steps will meet these requirements with the LEAST cost? (Select TWO.)

A. Create a Direct Connect gateway in the Region that is closest to the data center. Attach the Direct Connect connection to the Direct Connect gateway. Use the

B. Direct Connect gateway to connect the VPCs in the other two Regions.

C. Set up additional Direct Connect connections from the on-premises data center to the other two Regions.

D. Create a private VIE. Establish an AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection over the private VIF to the VPCs in the other two Regions.

E. Create a public VIF. Establish an AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection over the public VIF to the VPCs in the other two Regions.

F. Use VPC peering to establish a connection between the VPCs across the Regions. Create a private VIF with the existing Direct Connect connection to connect to the peered VPCs.

Correct Answer: AE

A Direct Connect gateway allows you to connect multiple VPCs across different Regions to a Direct Connect connection1. A public VIF allows you to access AWS public services such as EC21. A Site-to-Site VPN connection over the public VIF provides encryption and redundancy for the traffic between the on-premises data center and the VPCs2. This solution is cheaper than setting up additional Direct Connect connections or using a private VIF with VPC peering.

Question 6:

A company is updating an application that customers use to make online orders. The number of attacks on the application by bad actors has increased recently.

The company will host the updated application on an Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) cluster. The company will use Amazon DynamoDB to store application data. A public Application Load Balancer (ALB) will provide end users with access to the application. The company must prevent prevent attacks and ensure business continuity with minimal service interruptions during an ongoing attack.

Which combination of steps will meet these requirements MOST cost-effectively? (Select TWO.)

A. Create an Amazon CloudFront distribution with the ALB as the origin. Add a custom header and random value on the CloudFront domain. Configure the ALB to conditionally forward traffic if the header and value match.

B. Deploy the application in two AWS Regions. Configure Amazon Route 53 to route to both Regions with equal weight.

C. Configure auto scaling for Amazon ECS tasks. Create a DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) cluster.

D. Configure Amazon ElastiCache to reduce overhead on DynamoDB.

E. Deploy an AWS WAF web ACL that includes an appropriate rule group. Associate the web ACL with the Amazon CloudFront distribution.

Correct Answer: AE

The company should create an Amazon CloudFront distribution with the ALB as the origin. The company should add a custom header and random value on the CloudFront domain. The company should configure the ALB to conditionally

forward traffic if the header and value match. The company should also deploy an AWS WAF web ACL that includes an appropriate rule group. The company should associate the web ACL with the Amazon CloudFront distribution. This

solution will meet the requirements most cost-effectively because Amazon CloudFront is a fast content delivery network (CDN) service that securely delivers data, videos, applications, and APIs to customers globally with low latency, high

transfer speeds, all within a developer-friendly environment1. By creating an Amazon CloudFront distribution with the ALB as the origin, the company can improve the performance and availability of its application by caching static content at

edge locations closer to end users. By adding a custom header and random value on the CloudFront domain, the company can prevent direct access to the ALB and ensure that only requests from CloudFront are forwarded to the ECS tasks.

By configuring the ALB to conditionally forward traffic if the header and value match, the company can implement origin access identity (OAI) for its ALB origin. OAI is a feature that enables you to restrict access to your content by requiring

users to access your content through CloudFront URLs2. By deploying an AWS WAF web ACL that includes an appropriate rule group, the company can prevent attacks and ensure business continuity with minimal service interruptions

during an ongoing attack. AWS WAF is a web application firewall that lets you monitor and control web requests that are forwarded to your web applications. You can use AWS WAF to define customizable web security rules that control which

traffic can access your web applications and which traffic should be blocked3. By associating the web ACL with the Amazon CloudFront distribution, the company can apply the web security rules to all requests that are forwarded by


The other options are not correct because:

Deploying the application in two AWS Regions and configuring Amazon Route 53 to route to both Regions with equal weight would not prevent attacks or ensure business continuity. Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable cloud

Domain Name System (DNS) web service that routes end users to Internet applications by translating names like into numeric IP addresses4. However, routing traffic to multiple Regions would not protect against attacks or

provide failover in case of an outage. It would also increase operational complexity and costs compared to using CloudFront and AWS WAF. Configuring auto scaling for Amazon ECS tasks and creating a DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)

cluster would not prevent attacks or ensure business continuity. Auto scaling is a feature that enables you to automatically adjust your ECS tasks based on demand or a schedule. DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) is a fully managed, highly

available, in-memory cache for DynamoDB that delivers up to a 10x performance improvement. However, these features would not protect against attacks or provide failover in case of an outage. They would also increase operational

complexity and costs compared to using CloudFront and AWS WAF. Configuring Amazon ElastiCache to reduce overhead on DynamoDB would not prevent attacks or ensure business continuity. Amazon ElastiCache is a fully managed in-

memory data store service that makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale popular open-source compatible in-memory data stores. However, this service would not protect against attacks or provide failover in case of an outage. It would also

increase operational complexity and costs compared to using CloudFront and AWS WAF.


Question 7:

A company is developing a web application that runs on Amazon EC2 instances in an Auto Scaling group behind a public-facing Application Load Balancer (ALB). Only users from a specific country are allowed to access the application. The company needs the ability to log the access requests that have been blocked. The solution should require the least possible maintenance.

Which solution meets these requirements?

A. Create an IPSet containing a list of IP ranges that belong to the specified country. Create an AWS WAF web ACL. Configure a rule to block any requests that do not originate from an IP range in the IPSet. Associate the rule with the web ACL. Associate the web ACL with the ALB.

B. Create an AWS WAF web ACL. Configure a rule to block any requests that do not originate from the specified country. Associate the rule with the web ACL. Associate the web ACL with the ALB.

C. Configure AWS Shield to block any requests that do not originate from the specified country. Associate AWS Shield with the ALB.

D. Create a security group rule that allows ports 80 and 443 from IP ranges that belong to the specified country. Associate the security group with the ALB.

Correct Answer: B

The best solution is to create an AWS WAF web ACL and configure a rule to block any requests that do not originate from the specified country. This will ensure that only users from the allowed country can access the application. AWS WAF also provides logging capabilities that can capture the access requests that have been blocked. This solution requires the least possible maintenance as it does not involve updating IP ranges or security group rules. References: [AWS WAF Developer Guide], [AWS Shield Developer Guide]

Question 8:

A company has 10 accounts that are part of an organization in AWS Organizations AWS Config is configured in each account All accounts belong to either the Prod OU or the NonProd OU

The company has set up an Amazon EventBridge rule in each AWS account to notify an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic when an Amazon EC2 security group inbound rule is created with as the source The company\’s security team is subscribed to the SNS topic

For all accounts in the NonProd OU the security team needs to remove the ability to create a security group inbound rule that includes as the source

Which solution will meet this requirement with the LEAST operational overhead?

A. Modify the EventBridge rule to invoke an AWS Lambda function to remove the security group inbound rule and to publish to the SNS topic Deploy the updated rule to the NonProd OU

B. Add the vpc-sg-open-only-to-authorized-ports AWS Config managed rule to the NonProd OU

C. Configure an SCP to allow the ec2 AulhonzeSecurityGrouplngress action when the value of the aws Sourcelp condition key is not Apply the SCP to the NonProd OU

D. Configure an SCP to deny the ec2 AuthorizeSecurityGrouplngress action when the value of the aws Sourcelp condition key is Apply the SCP to the NonProd OU

Correct Answer: D

This solution will meet the requirement with the least operational overhead because it directly denies the creation of the security group inbound rule with as the source, which is the exact requirement. Additionally, it does not require any additional steps or resources such as invoking a Lambda function or adding a Config rule. An SCP (Service Control Policy) is a policy that you can use to set fine-grained permissions for your AWS accounts within your organization. You can use SCPs to set permissions for the root user of an account and to delegate permissions to IAM users and roles in the accounts. You can use SCPs to set permissions that allow or deny access to specific services, actions, and resources. To implement this solution, you would need to create an SCP that denies the ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress action when the value of the aws:SourceIp condition key is This SCP would then be applied to the

NonProd OU. This would ensure that any security group inbound rule that includes as the source will be denied, thus meeting the requirement.


Question 9:

A company runs a highly available data collection application on Amazon EC2 in the eu- north-1 Region. The application collects data from end-user devices and writes records to an Amazon Kinesis data stream and a set of AWS Lambda functions that process the records The company persists the output of the record processing to an Amazon S3 bucket in eu-north-1. The company uses the data in the S3 bucket as a data source for Amazon Athena

A. In each of the Iwo new Regions set up the Lambda functions to run in a VPC Set up an S3 gateway endpoint in that VPC

B. Turn on S3 Transfer Acceleration on the S3 bucket in eu-north-1 Change the application to use the new S3 accelerated endpoint when the application uploads data to the S3 bucket

C. Create an S3 bucket in each of the two new Regions Set the application in each new Region to upload to its respective S3 bucket Set up S3 Cross-Region Replication to replicate data to the S3 bucket in eu-north-1

D. Increase the memory requirements of the Lambda functions to ensure that they have multiple cores available Use the multipart upload feature when the application uploads data to Amazon S3 Lambda

Correct Answer: A

Question 10:

A company has migrated its forms-processing application to AWS. When users interact with the application, they upload scanned forms as files through a web application. A database stores user metadata and references to files that are stored in Amazon S3. The web application runs on Amazon EC2 instances and an Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL database.

When forms are uploaded, the application sends notifications to a team through Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS). A team member then logs in and processes each form. The team member performs data validation on the form and extracts relevant data before entering the information into another system that uses an API.

A solutions architect needs to automate the manual processing of the forms. The solution must provide accurate form extraction, minimize time to market, and minimize long-term operational overhead.

Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Develop custom libraries to perform optical character recognition (OCR) on the forms. Deploy the libraries to an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster as an application tier. Use this tier to process the forms when forms are uploaded. Store the output in Amazon S3. Parse this output by extracting the data into an Amazon DynamoDB table. Submit the data to the target system\’s API. Host the new application tier on EC2 instances.

B. Extend the system with an application tier that uses AWS Step Functions and AWS Lambda. Configure this tier to use artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) models that are trained and hosted on an EC2 instance to perform optical character recognition (OCR) on the forms when forms are uploaded. Store the output in Amazon S3. Parse this output by extracting the data that is required within the application tier. Submit the data to the target system\’s API.

C. Host a new application tier on EC2 instances. Use this tier to call endpoints that host artificial intelligence and machine learning (Al/ML) models that are trained and hosted in Amazon SageMaker to perform optical character recognition (OCR) on the forms. Store the output in Amazon ElastiCache. Parse this output by extracting the data that is required within the application tier. Submit the data to the target system\’s API.

D. Extend the system with an application tier that uses AWS Step Functions and AWS Lambda. Configure this tier to use Amazon Textract and Amazon Comprehend to perform optical character recognition (OCR) on the forms when forms are uploaded. Store the output in Amazon S3. Parse this output by extracting the data that is required within the application tier. Submit the data to the target system\’s API.

Correct Answer: D

Extend the system with an application tier that uses AWS Step Functions and AWS Lambda. Configure this tier to use Amazon Textract and Amazon Comprehend to perform optical character recognition (OCR) on the forms when forms are uploaded. Store the output in Amazon S3. Parse this output by extracting the data that is required within the application tier. Submit the data to the target system\’s API. This solution meets the requirements of accurate form extraction, minimal time to market, and minimal long-term operational overhead. Amazon Textract and Amazon Comprehend are fully managed and serverless services that can perform OCR and extract relevant data from the forms, which eliminates the need to develop custom libraries or train and host models. Using AWS Step Functions and Lambda allows for easy automation of the process and the ability to scale as needed.

Question 11:

A company uses a Grafana data visualization solution that runs on a single Amazon EC2 instance to monitor the health of the company\’s AWS workloads. The company has invested time and effort to create dashboards that the company wants to preserve. The dashboards need to be highly available and cannot be down for longer than 10 minutes. The company needs to minimize ongoing maintenance.

Which solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST operational overhead?

A. Migrate to Amazon CloudWatch dashboards. Recreate the dashboards to match the existing Grafana dashboards. Use automatic dashboards where possible.

B. Create an Amazon Managed Grafana workspace. Configure a new Amazon CloudWatch data source. Export dashboards from the existing Grafana instance. Import the dashboards into the new workspace.

C. Create an AMI that has Grafana pre-installed. Store the existing dashboards in Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS). Create an Auto Scaling group that uses the new AMI. Set the Auto Scaling group\’s minimum, desired, and maximum number of instances to one. Create an Application Load Balancer that serves at least two Availability Zones.

D. Configure AWS Backup to back up the EC2 instance that runs Grafana once each hour. Restore the EC2 instance from the most recent snapshot in an alternate Availability Zone when required.

Correct Answer: C

By creating an AMI that has Grafana pre-installed and storing the existing dashboards in Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) it allows for faster and more efficient scaling, and by creating an Auto Scaling group that uses the new AMI and setting the Auto Scaling group\’s minimum, desired, and maximum number of instances to one and creating an Application Load Balancer that serves at least two Availability Zones, it ensures high availability and minimized downtime.

Question 12:

A company wants to deploy an API to AWS. The company plans to run the API on AWS Fargate behind a load balancer. The API requires the use of header-based routing and must be accessible from on-premises networks through an AWS Direct Connect connection and a private VIF.

The company needs to add the client IP addresses that connect to the API to an allow list in AWS. The company also needs to add the IP addresses of the API to the allow list. The company\’s security team will allow /27 CIDR ranges to be added to the allow list. The solution must minimize complexity and operational overhead.

Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Create a new Network Load Balancer (NLB) in the same subnets as the Fargate task deployments. Create a security group that includes only the client IP addresses that need access to the API. Attach the new security group to the Fargate tasks. Provide the security team with the NLB\’s IP addresses for the allow list.

B. Create two new /27 subnets. Create a new Application Load Balancer (ALB) that extends across the new subnets. Create a security group that includes only the client IP addresses that need access to the API. Attach the security group to the ALB. Provide the security team with the new subnet IP ranges for the allow list.

C. Create two new \’27 subnets. Create a new Network Load Balancer (NLB) that extends across the new subnets. Create a new Application Load Balancer (ALB) within the new subnets. Create a security group that includes only the client IP addresses that need access to the API. Attach the security group to the ALB. Add the ALB\’s IP addresses as targets behind the NLB. Provide the security team with the NLB\’s IP addresses for the allow list.

D. Create a new Application Load Balancer (ALB) in the same subnets as the Fargate task deployments. Create a security group that includes only the client IP addresses that need access to the API. Attach the security group to the ALB. Provide the security team with the ALB\’s IP addresses for the allow list.

Correct Answer: A

Question 13:

A company is migrating an application to the AWS Cloud. The application runs in an on- premises data center and writes thousands of images into a mounted NFS file system each night After the company migrates the application, the company will host the application on an Amazon EC2 instance with a mounted Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) file system.

The company has established an AWS Direct Connect connection to AWS Before the migration cutover. a solutions architect must build a process that will replicate the newly created on-premises images to the EFS file system

What is the MOST operationally efficient way to replicate the images?

A. Configure a periodic process to run the aws s3 sync command from the on-premises file system to Amazon S3 Configure an AWS Lambda function to process event notifications from Amazon S3 and copy the images from Amazon S3 to the EFS file system

B. Deploy an AWS Storage Gateway file gateway with an NFS mount point. Mount the file gateway file system on the on-premises server. Configure a process to periodically copy the images to the mount point

C. Deploy an AWS DataSync agent to an on-premises server that has access to the NFS file system. Send data over the Direct Connect connection to an S3 bucket by using public VIF. Configure an AWS Lambda function to process event notifications from Amazon S3 and copy the images from Amazon S3 to the EFS file system.

D. Deploy an AWS DataSync agent to an on-premises server that has access to the NFS file system. Send data over the Direct Connect connection to an AWS PrivateLink interface VPC endpoint for Amazon EFS by using a private VIF. Configure a DataSync scheduled task to send the images to the EFS file system every 24 hours.

Correct Answer: D

This option uses AWS DataSync to replicate the on-premises images to the EFS file system over the Direct Connect connection. AWS DataSync is a service that automates and accelerates data transfer between on-premises storage systems and AWS storage services. It can transfer data to and from Amazon EFS, Amazon FSx for Windows File Server, and Amazon S3. To use AWS DataSync, the company needs to deploy an AWS DataSync agent to an on-premises server that has access to the NFS file system. The agent connects to the AWS DataSync service endpoint in the AWS Region where the EFS file system is located. The company can use an AWS PrivateLink interface endpoint to connect to the service endpoint securely and privately over the Direct Connect connection. The company can then create a task in AWS DataSync that specifies the source location (the NFS file system), the destination location (the EFS file system), and the options for the data transfer (such as schedule, bandwidth limit, and verification). AWS DataSync will then perform the data transfer efficiently and securely, using encryption in transit and at rest.

Question 14:

A team of data scientists is using Amazon SageMaker instances and SageMaker APIs to train machine learning (ML) models. The SageMaker instances are deployed in a VPC that does not have access to or from the internet. Datasets for ML model training are stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. Interface VPC endpoints provide access to Amazon S3 and the SageMaker APIs.

Occasionally, the data scientists require access to the Python Package Index (PyPl) repository to update Python packages that they use as part of their workflow. A solutions architect must provide access to the PyPI repository while ensuring that the SageMaker instances remain isolated from the internet.

Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Create an AWS CodeCommit repository for each package that the data scientists need to access. Configure code synchronization between the PyPl repository and the CodeCommit repository. Create a VPC endpoint for CodeCommit.

B. Create a NAT gateway in the VPC. Configure VPC routes to allow access to the internet with a network ACL that allows access to only the PyPl repository endpoint.

C. Create a NAT instance in the VPC. Configure VPC routes to allow access to the internet. Configure SageMaker notebook instance firewall rules that allow access to only the PyPI repository endpoint.

D. Create an AWS CodeArtifact domain and repository. Add an external connection for public:pypi to the CodeArtifact repository. Configure the Python client to use the CodeArtifact repository. Create a VPC endpoint for CodeArtifact.

Correct Answer: D

Question 15:

A company is running an application on several Amazon EC2 instances in an Auto Scaling group behind an Application Load Balancer. The load on the application varies throughout the day, and EC2 instances are scaled in and out on a regular basis. Log files from the EC2 instances are copied to a central Amazon S3 bucket every 15 minutes. The security team discovers that log files are missing from some of the terminated EC2 instances.

Which set of actions will ensure that log files are copied to the central S3 bucket from the terminated EC2 instances?

A. Create a script to copy log files to Amazon S3, and store the script in a file on the EC2 instance. Create an Auto Scaling lifecycle hook and an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule to detect lifecycle events from the Auto Scaling group. Invoke an AWS Lambda function on the autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING transition to send ABANDON to the Auto Scaling group to prevent termination, run the script to copy the log files, and terminate the instance using the AWS SDK.

B. Create an AWS Systems Manager document with a script to copy log files to Amazon S3. Create an Auto Scaling lifecycle hook and an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule to detect lifecycle events from the Auto Scaling group. Invoke an AWS Lambda function on the autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING transition to call the AWS Systems Manager API SendCommand operation to run the document to copy the log files and send CONTINUE to the Auto Scaling group to terminate the instance.

C. Change the log delivery rate to every 5 minutes. Create a script to copy log files to Amazon S3, and add the script to EC2 instance user data. Create an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule to detect EC2 instance termination. Invoke an AWS Lambda function from the EventBridge (CloudWatch Events) rule that uses the AWS CLI to run the user-data script to copy the log files and terminate the instance.

D. Create an AWS Systems Manager document with a script to copy log files to Amazon S3. Create an Auto Scaling lifecycle hook that publishes a message to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic. From the SNS notification, call the AWS Systems Manager API SendCommand operation to run the document to copy the log files and send ABANDON to the Auto Scaling group to terminate the instance.

Correct Answer: B

Refer to Default Result section

If the instance is terminating, both abandon and continue allow the instance to terminate. However, abandon stops any remaining actions, such as other lifecycle hooks, and continue allows any other lifecycle hooks to complete.

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