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Free Sharing CertBus Updated Citrix 1Y0-222 VCE and PDF Exam Practice Materials

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CertBus provides the most up to date and accurate preparing materials of the 1Y0-222 certification exam questions and answers , testing software, exam PDF and VCE files to help you prepare your 1Y0-222 CCIA MetaFrame Presentation Server with Feature Release 3 exam. What training you are looking for? Come to visit our site and choose CertBus online certification materials, you will get a quick and cost-efficient way to become a Citrix certified professional in IT industry.

We CertBus has our own expert team. They selected and published the latest 1Y0-222 preparation materials from Citrix Official Exam-Center:


A BPM application developer is creating an “Order Management” process that needs to wait for inventory

readiness status from a separate inventory application. If the received status is “ready”, the process can

resume its regular flow. If the received status is “not-available”, the process needs to start a “Re-stocking”

process flow. The application developer has exposed an inbound web service in IBM BPM to be called by

the external inventory application. How can the BPM application developer configure the process to allow

the response from the incoming web service request to direct the flow of the process? Associate the

inbound web service with:

A. a service with a JavaScript invocation of an Ad-Hoc event in the “Re-stocking” process flow.

B. a service with a JavaScript invocation of an Ad-Hoc event in the “Order Management” process.

C. a service that invokes an Undercover Agent, and a receive message event on the “Restocking”

process flow that is associated to the sameUndercover Agent.

D. a service that invokes an Undercover Agent, and a receive message event on the “Order Management”

process that is associated to the sameUndercover Agent.

Correct Answer: D


Consider the following scenario:

A company needs to display employee contact information in its intranet. The information is

available in XML Format from an XML-aware employee database. It is required that the top of

document should contain an index of employee names, so that clicking on an employee name will

display the employee


When a subsystem is created using the CRTSBSD command, what is the purpose of the ASP Group (ASPGRP) parameter?

A. Specifies the name of an Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP) group that contains the library for the secondary language

B. Specifies the initial setting for the Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP) group name for the jobs running in this subsystem description

C. Specifies the name of an Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP) group to be included in the library name space of the subsystem monitor job

D. Specifies the names of the Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP) groups that may be added to the jobs running in this subsystem description using the SETASPGRP command

Correct Answer: C


Use of the DOM (Document Object Model) is MOST appropriate when:

A. Memory is limited.

B. Only certain elements need to be processed.

C. Documents are very large.

D. Elements must be processed in non-sequential order.

Answer: D


Companycom is purchasing a p5 590 which was configured with 60 Amp line cords. They have

just indicated that their large datacenter is already wired for 100 Amp power circuits in the

location where the server will be installed. What would be the recommended action?

A. Use the 60 Amp line cords

B. Change the 100 Amp connector to a 60 Amp circuit

C. Submit an RPQ to order the p5 590 with 100 Amp power cords

D. Change the configuration and order the p5 590 with the 100 Amp power cords

Answer: D