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This dump is 100% valid to pass IBM IBM Certified Specialist C4030-670 exam. The only tips is please do not just memorize the questions and answers, you need to get through understanding of it because the question changed a little in the real exam. Follow the instructions in the CertBus IBM Certified Specialist C4030-670 IBM Systems Networking Technical Support V1 PDF and VCEs. All CertBus materials will help you pass your IBM IBM Certified Specialist exam successfully.

We CertBus has our own expert team. They selected and published the latest C4030-670 preparation materials from IBM Official Exam-Center:



A customer named decides to implement an IBM Server

Consolidation solution consisting of IBM eServer x445s and VMware software. The

customer would like to have the hardware begin arriving next week. Which of the

following should be Xseries Sales Specialist’s next step?

A. Update the IBM opportunity management record to ‘Win’

B. Meet with the customer to discuss installation activities

C. Coordinate the IBM Technical team to double check the configuration

D. Verify delivery commitment can be met and if needed, reset customer


Answer: D



Which of the following tasks is most important to accomplish to increase the adds of


A. Nominate the customer for a funded IBM Server Consolidation study

B. Call the IBM Client Representative and ask him to influence the company’s


C. Using IBM’s opportunity Management system,request a technical team be formed

to design a solution.

D. Develop a strategy to better understand and possibly influence the customer’s

success criteria.

E. Request that the customer sign a focus letter to enable the sales specialist to offer

the customer special bid pricing.

Answer: D


To best ensure high customer satisfaction and repeat business, the xService Sales

Specialist should stay involved with the customer through which of the following

phases of a server deployment?

A. Production Cut-over B.

Hardware Installation C.

Customer Acceptance D.

System Test

Answer: A


Which of the following is the best starting point to recommend to a customer who is

interested in attending education regarding the design, architectures, features, and

functions of IBM eSserver xSeries server?

A. IBM Director Workshop

B. Servicing IBM eServer xSeries Servers

C. IBM eServer xSeries technical Principles

D. Microsoft windows 2000 installation and Performance

Answer: C



Which of the following best summarizes the customer’s business objectives?

A. Reduced operating costs

B. More effective server utilization

C. Consolidation to one operating system

D. A comprehensive system management implementation

Answer: D


A customer named is reluctant to pursue a 16-way IBM eServer

x445 solution because the server does not look like a “mainframe” The Xseries Sales

Specialist believes the customer may be entertaing another vendor. Who among the

following could that competitor be?


B. Sun

C. Dell

D. Unisys

Answer: D


A customer named currently buys HP ProLiant server and


storage, and has encountered various problems wherein they could not get certain

servers working with their storage. Which of the following arguments can the

Xseries Sales Specialist present to best position IBM?

A. IBM sells other vendor’s products and will test compatibility with customers’


B. IBM’s server division regularly tests their products with other vendors’ storage


C. IBM’s storage division regularly tests their products with other vendors’ server


D. IBM has server and storage divisions that focus on compatibility o their products.

Answer: D


A customer named uses BMC Patrol to manage all the servers

in their data center. They have approached the xSeries Sales Specialist about

purchasing some IBM eServer xSeries servers for a new project. The customer has

heard about the IBM Director, but is concerned that this will produce additional

administrative overhead. Which of the following statements will be most useful in

addressing the customer’s concern?

A. BMC Patrol is an IBM ServerProven product.

B. A bmc Patrol module is available for IBM Director.

C. The IBM Director Console can be run on the BMC Patrol Server.

D. An upward integration module for BMC Patol is available with IBM Director

Answer: D


A customer named is looking for a new 4-way server with 875

GB internal storage to run Oracle 91. A competitor presented the customer

with a solution that includes Dell PowerEdge 6650. The xSeries Sales Specialist

presented the customer with the IBM Eserver x365. Which of the following should

the xSeries Sales Specialist emphasize as an advantage over the competitor’s solution?

A. Easy deployment tools

B. Support for internal tape drive

C. Chipkill memory and Hot Spare Memory

D. Ability to hold six internal hard drives

Answer: D


A customer has a three-year old database server. The server does not have fault-

tolerant protection against power and network card failures. Which are problems

The customer has encountered in the past. In addition, the server requires additional

processing power to meet the current requirements. The customer does not want to

introduce any new software into their environment at point. Which of the following

would be an appropriate solution to address the customer’s issue?

A. Install a new server that has options for fault-tolerant power supplies and network


B. Install new LAN switch with built-in network redundancy and a UPS to protect

against power failure

C. Install a new server that will cluster with the existing server to provide backup

facilities to the existing server

D. Upgrade the current server with new network cards, which support fault-tolerant


Answer: A

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