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Latest CertBus C_TADM56_70 Exam C_TADM56_70 Dumps 100% Free Download

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CertBus provides the most up to date and accurate preparing materials of the C_TADM56_70 certification exam questions and answers , testing software, exam PDF and VCE files to help you prepare your C_TADM56_70 SAP Certified Technology Associate – System Administration (DB2) with SAP NetWeaver 7.0 exam. What training you are looking for? Come to visit our site and choose CertBus online certification materials, you will get a quick and cost-efficient way to become a SAP certified professional in IT industry.

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Consider the following XML fragment

<Item number=HG456


In the Configured Rules section of the Policy Editor, two request rules are listed, Rule_One,

followed by Rule_Two, and both use the same matching rule.

What occurs when a message that satisfies the matching rule is received?

A. Only Rule_One will be executed since it is the first rule that matches the request.

B. Rule_One will be executed, followed by Rule_Two, since all rules that satisfy the match are


C. This policy will fail during execution, since it cannot be determined which rule should be


D. The policy will not be applied, since the Policy Editor will not allow a configuration of rules that

have the same match.

Answer: A



Given the following entry from a sample file:

jdbcService.db2Pool.datasource=db2_transaction_pool What does jdbcService signify?

A. the property file descriptor

B. the service used to connect to the DB2 database

C. the name of the database used by the application

D. the datasource name used to connect to the DB2 database

Answer: A



Given the following code in an application’s initOptions.js file:

What is the expected result when starting the application on a device?

A. The onSuccess function will be invoked every time the application is loaded.

B. The WL.Client.init method will not be executed because WLJSX.bind is not supported in Worklight.


The onConnectionFailure function will be invoked, because the connectOnStartup property is set to


D. The server related function would not be available until the developer calls the

WL.Client.reloadApp function to invoke the serverconnection.

Correct Answer: A


An administrator started the journaling for library LIBA using the command STRJRNLIB with all parameters set to the IBM default. The administrator later needs to restore more than 100 new files to library LIBA, but does not want to have the journaling started for these newly restored files.

What is the fastest way to restore the files without starting the journaling?

A. Use the CHGJRN command to change the inherit rules for library LIBA and then perform the restore.

B. Restore the files to library LIBA and then manually end the journaling for the newly restored files.

C. Use the CHGJRNOBJ command to change the inherit rules for library LIBA and then perform the restore.

D. Use the command sequence ENDJRNLIB, STRJRNLIB, with new inherit rules for library LIBA and then perform the restore.

Correct Answer: C